Non-invasive acupuncture
Acupuncture without needles is perfect for treating patients with a phobia of needles , children or people who for some reason do not receive the puncture well.
Non-invasive acupuncture includes:
- Digitopuncture: It is a technique that consists of stimulating acupuncture points by pressing the fingers on the meridians.
- Gua Sha: This is a soft, medium-sized stone (Jade, quartz...) that, when massaged on the skin of the face, works by releasing toxins, activating blood flow and circulation.
- Magnetotherapy: Uses static or permanent magnetic fields on the body. It is especially effective in treating inflammation and has very few side effects.
- Cupping: It is a technique that opens energy channels providing benefits similar to those of acupuncture.
- Shônishin: Pediatric acupuncture technique of Japanese origin
In this section you can find everything you need for these techniques and other tools necessary for the practice of acupuncture such as point finders.